TCM Acupuncture
& Medical Acupuncture
TCM stands for 'Traditional Chinese Medicine' and TCM Acupuncture is an ancient therapeutic intervention that dates back thousands of years. This type of acupuncture aims to restore the flow and balance of energy in the human body and mind, and is very effective at treating a wide range of conditions. Alexander obtained a degree in TCM Acupuncture in 2005 at Salford University and is a member of both The British Acupuncture Council and the Acupuncture Society. Alexander regularly gets excellent results treating the following conditions with TCM acupuncture.
Emotional Stuckness
Headaches / Migraine
Neurological pain such as trigeminal neuralgia
Herniated discs & sciatica
IBS & digestive issues
Insomnia & poor sleep
If your condition has been there for longer than a few weeks, then this is considered 'chronic'. If you have a chronic condition, we highly recommend coming in a for free no-obligation consultation and assessment, prior to starting a course of treatment.
Medical Acupuncture is a western simplified adaptation of acupuncture which focus' mainly on the treatment musculo-skeletal conditions. Alexander has taught hundreds of therapists these skills and also gets great results in clinic treating the following conditions.
Myofascial trigger points
Tight muscles
Hip pain
Back, neck and shoulder pain
Single session £90
5 session package £375
10 session package £600
1 session per month £65 p/m 12 month direct debit