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Meet Alexander & Beth

Hi, I'm Alexander. I am an Unconventional Rehabilitation & Injury Prevention Specialist, with over 17 years practice & teaching here in the UK where I have a first class reputation. Over the years I have helped many athletes overcome their injuries and health issues and regain their happiness, confidence, and motivation in the process.

I have accumulated over 10,000 hours of time working with individual clients, teaching and refining my craft. My experience and skillset is varied & unique and my service is second to none. You won't find anything else quite like it. If you're looking to overcome a chronic, longstanding injury or you feel it's time to say 'goodbye' to your injury-prone body and regain your athletic edge, you're in the right place and in the safest of hands. 

I'm driven by a deep desire to connect to other humans and to serve people to the absolute best of my ability. I've spent the last 17 years developing as a practitioner, and overcoming my own challenges, as well as helping others and developing a system of healing that works beautifully.

As a fully qualified Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist, Bodyworker, Postural Alignment Specialist, NLP Practitioner, Strategic Intervention Coach, JEMS Practitioner and Detoxification Coach, I am committed to developing my skills and techniques to their fullest. I have trained with many famous therapists including Richard Bandler, Joanne Elphinston, Art Riggs, The Robbins Maddanes Institute, Tony Robbins, Ruth Duncan, The Barral Institute, Master Jefferey Yuen, Dr. Henry Mcann, and Douglas Heel, as well as studying the powerful techniques of Marshall Rosenberg, Eckhart Tolle, Don Miguel Ruiz and many more. With the practical application of this knowledge, people all over the region and beyond are feeling the difference each day. Wouldn't you like to find the same sense of freedom?

Get in touch today and begin your own journey of transformation.

Alexander J.P. Boylan BSc (Hons) MBAcC



Our body is our one true home for our time on this earth, and I want nothing more than for you to enjoy your time spent there.

I know first hand what it is to live with chronic pain, and to inhabit a body/mind that just doesn’t know how to switch off.

Yet, despite believing it wasn’t possible I overcame my years of pain, and learnt how soothe my whole system. Finally I could really live the life I dreamed of when I was bed ridden with pain. I’ve been passionately sharing my skills and everything I know about overcoming pain ever since!

I’ve been guiding people back to their bodies as a massage therapist, coach, yoga teacher and movement facilitator over the last decade. I’m fully insured, and certified as a Level 4 Ayurvedic Yoga Massage Therapist.

I’m also a trained Hatha Yoga Teacher, & Fitness instructor with additional certified CPD in Yoga Therapy for Women’s Health and Wellbeing Coaching, all of which help me tailor treatments suited to your specific needs.


Beth Wild BA (Hons) AYM UK

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